On Friday, after a bit of a drive to Lowell, MA spent the day at the New England Quilt Museum pitching my workshops and lectures to a group of guild program chairs. The museum sponsors this day every year, this is their third, and it gets better each time. We're given 3 minutes to share what we do before the bell dings and the next presenter's turn begins. Tough to put all I do into a 3 minute blip! Enjoyed meeting all the other presenters and the guild members. Looking forward to hearing from the guilds, booked a few while at the museum.

Also had some time to spend with the current exhibit, "Down by the old Mill Stream" featuring quilts from the University of Rhode Island quilt collection. I had visited this exhibit late in the summer but it's amazing how you absorb different quilts each time. I remember that same thing happening at the Houston show when I was there a few years ago. You'd walk by a quilt and swear it hadn't been there the day before. I think your mind becomes visually "full" after a certain number of quilts. This phenomena was even worse at the Pilgrim Roy exhibit in April at the MFA in Boston. The quilts were of such high and strong contrast that one's brain filled up even faster.
On the way home, I stopped at Ryco in Lincoln to set-up for their Teacher's Tea on Saturday and got the last table with a plug for my laptop. Spent the day there on Saturday demonstrating EQ7 to lots of interested quilters. A number plan on joining my monthly EQ group meetings. We have a ton of fun exploring EQ.
Back to Ryco this afternoon for an EQ group. We spent the afternoon designing medallion quilts working with two pre-designed layouts from the Layout Library, then creating our own medallion layouts from the new quilt tab. They had fun trying out lots of unique blocks in their layouts, rotating and flipping the blocks to get the best effect, adding pieced borders, then coloring and fabricing them in. Some amazing designs. I always tease them that I expect to see a quilt or two at the next group meeting, I'm hoping some day they'll surprise me!
Here are two of the sample medallion quilts I designed today, both with the same purple and green color palette. The first is from the medallion layout library horizontal aspect, the second is an on -point version.
Let me know how you like them...